
BackUpSavvy Premium wordpress plugin

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Sof …
עודכן לאחרונה
January 31, 2020
BackUpSavvy Premium wordpress plugin

BackUpSavvy Premium is a backup plugin that allows you to backup all sites from one admin panel. It is a simple and comfortable wordpress backup platform. You can create backups for all your wordpress sites and upload it on one FTP storage by using this plugin.You can upload backup to any hosting with the FTP access. You also have the option to back up your database (needs mysqli) BackUpSavvy allows you to store your backups in tar.gz, tar, zip, bz2 format (needs gz, bz2, ZipArchive).

Features: • Complete backups of your database, and everything else you need to restore your site from scratch. • The backup of all files is done in the root folder • Easy to set up and configure in just a few minutes — no complicated settings. • Schedule backup using wordpress cron system • Save backups in tar.gz, tar, zip, bz2 format (needs gz, bz2, ZipArchive) • Restore backup

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