If logged in, the visitor can view all the pages/posts on the blog. If not logged in, the visitor can only view a specific public page.
עודכן לאחרונה
November 29, 2012
התקנות פעילות

Almost Users Only is a plugin that limits public access to your blog. Visitors that are not logged in can only view a specific public page. If they are trying to reach other pages they will automatically be redirected to the public page.

If a visitor is logged in, he can view all the pages/posts on the blog (just like if it were a normal WordPress installation).

The public page can for example be used to display information about the site and a guide to how visitors can get an account.

IMPORTANT: WordPress still publish RSS feeds, so posts can still be read that way. Pages should be save though.

חינםבתוכנית Creator
בביצוע ההתקנה, אנחנו מקבלים את הסכמתך לתנאי השירות של WordPress.com ולתנאים של התוסף של הצד השלישי.
התקנות פעילות
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