
ACF Tab & Accordion Title Icons

Add icons to the titles of ACF Tabs and Accordions
עודכן לאחרונה
August 15, 2023
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ACF Tab & Accordion Title Icons

The ACF Tab & Accordion Title Icons plugin extends the ACF Tab and Accordion field settings to add an icon to the titel.

There are more than 240 icons you can use for your Tabs and Accordion titles. If you miss any icon, leave a comment in the support forum. If it's not too fancy, I'll add it in the next version.

Or use the possibility to add your own icon font. See instructions below.

In addition, the display of the title can be suppressed so that only the icon is displayed.

This plugin works only with the ACF PRO (version 5.6.7 or higher).


  • English
  • Deutsch

Use your own icon font

The plugin offers the possibility to use your own icon font.

Generate your icon font with the free IcoMoon App.

Each icon should have an unique name in the icons options. Use the tags in the icon options for the name(s) of the icon shown in the selectbox on the ACF field settings.

Download your font and extract the zip file generated by IcoMoon.

In your (child) themes folder add a folder named 'acf-title-icons' and copy the 'fonts' folder, the 'selection.json' and the 'style.css' from the extracted zip file from IcoMoon into that folder.

After that, ACF Tab & Accordion Title Icons will use this icon font.

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