
par Graph Paper Press
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Snaps is a portfolio theme that showcases portrait-oriented photographs, illustrations, and other works of art. The simple, elegant design keeps the focus on your projects, and scales to fit any screen size.

The default layout of the Snaps theme is perfect for portrait photographers but also ideal for artists of all stripes,  including videographers, graphic designers, fine artists, hobbyists, and illustrators. Use Snaps to create a grid-based online portfolio to put your work or side passion in the spotlight.

This free WordPress photography theme offers a header image that showcases your unique style and full-width featured images and thumbnails that pop. Snaps creates an orderly grid of your imagery that showcases your creativity.

Getting Started

Snaps takes advantage of the Portfolios feature on, offering unique layouts and organization for your images.

By default, the homepage will display your latest posts in a traditional blog format. To get the most out of this theme, you first need to create some portfolio projects. Then, to display those projects on the homepage (as shown in the theme demo), follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page to serve as the homepage
  2. Assign the Portfolio Page Template from the Page Attributes section
  3. Publish your page
  4. Go to Customizer→ Static Front Page, and choose the new page as your site’s static « Front page »

The Snaps theme will now display your Portfolio projects on the homepage. Please note, that the page using Portfolio Page Template will not support the Infinite Scroll feature.

If you also want a blog on your site, publish a second blank page. You can title this page « Blog » or « News » or whatever you like. Then, go to Customizer→ Static Front Page, and choose this new page as your site’s « Posts page. »

The title and content of the Portfolio Page Template can be hidden to create the same look as the theme demo. To do this, navigate to Customizer → Portfolio and select « Hide title and content on Portfolio Page Template. »

You can also use the [portfolio] shortcode to show your projects on any page or post on your site.

We’ve outlined the different sections of the Snaps homepage here:


Featured Images

Snaps displays Featured Images in various ways, so for best results, set a featured image that is at least 1075 pixels wide for each of your posts and portfolio projects. These will display:

  • As the thumbnail image for portfolio projects; and
  • Above post titles on the blog index, archive pages, and single post pages.

On the blog index and archive pages, most post formats will display the Featured Image at 795 pixels wide; the Image post format will display the Featured Image at 1075 pixels wide.

All single posts will display the Featured Image at 1075 pixels wide.

Custom Header Image

Snaps supports a Custom Header, shown at the top of each page of your site. The image will be cropped for small screens to fit the available space, which means not all of the header image will be visible on all screen sizes, so decorative background images may work best. Please start with an image that’s at least 1200 pixels wide by 500 pixels high.


Site Logo

Brand Snaps further by uploading a Site Logo to display on top of the header. To add one, go to Customize → Site Identity, and click Add Logo to select an image file. The logo will display at a maximum of 300 pixels wide and 160 pixels tall.



Snaps has two navigation areas: the Primary Menu and the Social Links Menu, both of which can be edited in Customizer → Menus. 

The Primary Menu is typically used for links to pages, categories, posts, and external links, and can display drop-down submenus. The Social Links Menu links to your social media accounts, and displays an icon for each supported service.

These two menus will appear below your site’s Header Image:


The Social Menu can support the following services:

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • Foursquare
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • Spotify
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitch
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube


Snaps has three locations for widgets in the footer. You can manage the widgets in Customizer → Widgets. 

If you add widgets to only one location, they will display as a single centered column; using two widget locations will display as two equal-width columns. By adding widgets to all three locations, you can create a footer with three equal-width columns:



Snaps is designed for all screen sizes, so it looks great on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.


Snaps supports the following features:

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. The main column width on pages is 1075.
  2. The main column width on posts, blog index, archive, and search pages is 795.
  3. Custom Header dimensions should be uploaded at least 1200 by 500; when display they are fluid, displayed at varying widths and heights, depending on the screen size.
  4. Featured Images are 1075 wide; there is no limit to the height.


portfolio, business, agency, services, wedding, photographer, photography, photo, gallery, photos, design, media, designer

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