
Zajax – Ajax Navigation

Zajax is a WordPress plugin who add ajax navigation to your WordPress website. It will work with search, All form will work, like comments, it will un …
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May 1, 2016
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Zajax – Ajax Navigation

Zajax is a WordPress plugin who add ajax navigation to your WordPress website. It will work with search, All form will work, like comments, it will understand links with # hash and external links or admin links. Beautifull loading bar at the top and a loading circle in the center. (Look like mobile loading from Android). Some differences with others ajax pluging. Zajax work with Google analytics, it will work with all form, input, comments ect.. Preload pages on mouse hover for instant loading with the Zajax-pro version.

Demo with full features: Demo 2 with full features:

  • Fast pages loading.
  • Choose the section you want to load in ajax (ID or Class), by just providing the ID/CLASS with #/. as prefix.
  • Work with search form, just providing the ID/CLASS with #/. as prefix in Search form TAG. (Multiple searchs forms too).
  • All form will work, comments, Contact page ect.
  • Fade In, Fade out transition.
  • Loading bar at the top and a loading circle in the center. (Look like mobile loading from Android).
  • Work with music player who are external to the loading main section. (Music will continue to play).
  • Back button for mobile or desktop option. (It will look like a real app on mobile if you have a responsive website).
  • Ignore list and reload list. If you had problems with others Ajax navigation plugins before, it may be because some javascripts are called twice or behavior strangely try to stop reloading javascript who may be in the body to not be called each time you load a page. EX: filename1.js,filename2.js The javascript reload list is for reloading javascripts who don’t seem to load well with ajax navigation.
  • Special option for Masonry. Masonry plugins or themes may pose some problems, add find the ID or Class of the masonry section.
  • Insert javascript or jQuery codes in the Zajax setting on ajax send. It trigger just before ajax page loading ( you can use the jQuery sign $ ) EX: $(‘#loading’).show().
  • Insert javascript or jQuery codes in the Zajax setting on ajax complete. It trigger at the end of ajax page loading ( you can use the jQuery sign $ ) EX: $(‘#loading’).hide().
  • Choose the color of the load cicle and bar to fit your theme style.
  • Update: Added class „no-ajax“ for non ajax link.

I created this plugin for my music website to have continuous music playing while browsing through the pages, the others solutions didn’t worked very well for me.

Demo Video

Installation and settings help Video

Zajax Pro

One of the strong and unique advantage from using Zajax Pro is the page preloading feature on mouse hover, Some page will load on a blink of an eye. It will wait 100 millisecond on mouse hover before preloading the page to not overload your server. The page preload on mouse hover before the user click on the link, as the user click, the page may already has preloaded and the new page will appear in a fraction of a second. Some differences with others ajax pluging. Zajax work with Google analytics, it will work with all form, input, comments ect.. Preload pages on mouse hover for instant loading with the Zajax-pro version.

Pro version feature:

  • Preload page on mouse hover to load faster when user click on the link.
  • Reload multiple sections outside the main section by ID or Class. (Menu, footer, sidebar, Ads, Google Ads). by just providing the ID/CLASS with #/. as prefix.
  • Work with Google analytics.

Demo with full features: Demo 2 with full features:

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