Displays the statistics from ejabberd XMPP server through ReST API.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
June 14, 2024
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Displays the statistics from ejabberd XMPP server through ReST API (by using module mod_http_api). The plugin is useful when the XMPP server is located on another machine. Easy to configure and use – just need to type ReST API url and insert shortcodes on the page. Plugin can save the server statistics to the database and show them in a graph just like Munin.

Live demo

Here you can see the statistics, generated by this plugin, from my own XMPP server.

Andere Notizen

This plugin is using Flot (Javascript plotting library for jQuery) and wp-color-picker-alpha (Overwrite Automattic Iris for enabled Alpha Channel in wpColorPicker).

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