
XMPP Enabled

XMPP Enabled provides a single-function API for other plugins that use Jabber/XMPP messaging protocol.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
December 6, 2017
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XMPP Enabled provides a single function API for other plugins that use Jabber/XMPP messaging protocol. See API section for details if you want to use XMPP protocol in your notifications.

  • GitHub page:

Thanks to

  • Mako N (Japanese translation and i18n support)

Plugin API

The Single Function

The single function for sending XMPP Messages is xmpp_enabled. It can be called directly from any WordPress plugin

xmpp_enabled($recipient, $message, $subject='', $type='normal');
  • $recipient is a valid (bare or full) JID of the recipient like ‚‘
  • $message is a plain text message to be sent
  • $subject is a title line for message. It is usually omitted for chat-type messages
  • $type is a type of message. It can be ‚chat‘, ’normal‘ or ‚headline‘. See RFC 3921 for details

Example: xmpp_send('',"Read our new post:\n",'New post is published','headline');

Create submenu in the XMPP Enabled section

XMPP Enabled creates it’s own section and you’re free to use it for your plugins. The code is 'xmpp-enabled'

Example: add_submenu_page('xmpp-enabled', 'Jabber Comment Notifications', 'Comment Notifications', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'jcommnotify_settings');

See Adding Administration Menus in WordPress Codex for further details

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