WT Widgets for Elementor is a plugin that provides a wide range of widgets to help you build tour booking websites using the WP Travel and Elementor.
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June 14, 2024
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WT Widgets for Elementor

WT Widgets for Elementor is a powerful tool that precisely merges WP Travel Plugin’s capabilities into Elementor, offering a wide widget selection for tailored design templates. These widgets cover trip searches, types, sliders by various criteria, activities, and more. This integration empowers developers and travel agencies to create visually appealing and dynamic travel websites effortlessly.

For setting up your site using the WP Travel plugin and extensions please refer to Documentation page

🌟Available Elementor Widgets

  • Trips By Types: Display the trip based on Trip Types, Trip Destination, Activity, and Featured Trips.
  • Trips Search: Display the search filter in either a horizontal or vertical layout, and search options like Trip Type, Destination, and Keyword.
  • Featured Trips: Display the list of featured trips.
  • Hero Slider: Display trip slider depending upon trips, Trip Types, Trip Destination, Activity, and Featured Trips.
  • Icon Holder: Display the required icon on your site.
  • Trip Category Carousel: Display a category carousel for Trip Types, Trip Destinations, and Activities.
  • Trips Filter: Display a trip search filter form with which a trip can be searched through different filters.
  • Add to cart: Display the cart icon for add to cart feature.
  • Trip Tabs: Display tabs added through global or individual trip tab settings for the trip.
  • Single Trip Meta: Display the meta value added to trips like Trip Types, Trip Destination, Trip Activity, keyword, Group Size, Review count, and Trip Duration/Date.
  • Trip Rating: Display the rating star view provided by the reviewer.
  • Trips Maps: Display a map location added for the trip.
  • Related Trips: Display the related trip to a trip you have added.
  • Trips FAQ: Display the Frequently Asked Questions related to the trip.
  • Book Button: Display the Book Now Button for processing the booking.
  • Trip Overview: Display the overview content added to the trip.
  • Trip Outline: Display the itinerary route for the trip.
  • Trip Includes: Display the added included items from the trip.
  • Trip Excludes: Display the added excluded items from the trip.
  • Trip Excludes: Display the added excluded items from the trip.
  • Trip Title: Display the title of the added trip.
  • Trip Featured Image: Display the featured image of the added trip.
  • Trip Excerpt: Display the excerpt added to the trip.
  • Trip Price: Display the price added to the trip.
  • Trip Wishlist: Display the Wishlist icon.
  • Trip Code: Display the unique code added for the trip.
  • Trip Offers: Display the sale price added to the trip.
  • Trip Booking Date: Display the trip booking date for the added trip.
  • Trip Review Lists: Display the list of reviews added to the trip.
  • Trip Review Form: Display the review form to add a review about the trip.
  • Trip Enquiry: Display the Trip Enquiry form that is used to submit enquiry about the trip.
  • Trips Facts: Display trip facts/information about trips.
  • Trip Gallery: Display images related to the trip.


⏰Customization and Flexibility

WT Widgets for Elementor stands as an immensely flexible and fully customizable plugin, granting developers a plethora of design options for crafting unique travel websites. With numerous hooks and filters, developers wield precise control over tailoring the plugin to their specific requirements. This plugin offers a rich set of features that enhance its adaptability, making it effortless for developers to create impressive designs. Seamlessly integrating with WP Travel, it provides an intuitive interface for personalized designs. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a novice, WT Widgets for Elementor streamlines the process of crafting travel websites, making it an excellent choice for visually appealing and functional sites using WP Travel.“

💁‍♂️Dedicated Support and Documentation

Our team of cheerful engineers is eager to assist you. Feel free to inquire in the support forum, or you can reach out to us directly for assistance

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