
WriteShare Schreiben Community Platform

WriteShare will turn WordPress into a full featured writing community, not just a blogging community. Site members can post books with chapters.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
December 31, 2018
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WriteShare Schreiben Community Platform

There is more to writing on WordPress than blogging.

WriteShare plugin will give you books with chapters. Turn WordPress into a full featured writing community.

With WriteShare, site admins get a writing platform. It’s easy to set up full on writing communities for education. Classes and courses using various Learning Management Systems (LMS) like LearnDash, LifterLMS, Namaste, Sensei, WP Courseware, WP LMS, LearnPress, will find the WP WriteShare plugin a must for all writing and course work submissions.

Fanfiction, recipe, journalism/news, longread… hell, any site that invites writers or members to submit text, graphics, or both will want to use WriteShare.

WriteShare uses advanced taxonomy features which offer flexibility in how content is organized for both writers and readers, making your WordPress more of a writing platform than a blogging site.

Writers will upload their submissions in a simple yet organized format. Writings will be easily searched by not just author and date (that’s the blogging way), but with more search options.

WP WriteShare is going to be super easy to use and set up, lightweight, flexible.


WriteShare Overview – Site Admin Dashboard and Front End:

Adding Books with Chapters:

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