A one-click way to share your geolocalized content into a mobile app using the Grawler API.
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November 1, 2014
WP to Grawler

WP to Grawler is a one-click way to share your geolocalized content into a mobile app using the Grawler API.

Using this plugin, any website or blog can upload their geolocalized content to the Grawler platform, in order to provide their community with a mobile and local service without having to develop their own mobile app.

How it works:

1) Import content from your site into Grawler in two clicks… and, that’s it!

2) Your users can now look for #yourtag or @yoursite and find out your nearest contents

3) You give a mobile feature to your users, and get new ones through it!

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.