
Control Shelly Devices

Control your Shelly devices from your WordPress site. Automatically import your devices and you can turn on, turn off and see their consumption.
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November 9, 2023
Control Shelly Devices

Control your Shelly devices from your WordPress site.

Automatically import your devices and you can turn on, turn off and see their consumption. You can make it so that you or other users can access Shelly devices from a WordPress installation protected by CMS authentication and limiting the role of the users. It is possible to assign permissions according to the user role to manage the devices in the admin menu.

It is also possible to manage Shelly devices from the front and control which user roles can do it.

Use shortcode [mcisc_devices] to display devices on any WordPress page.

Open the mini-tutorial video of the plugin

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.