
WP RecentComments & Reply AJAX(WP RC Reply AJAX)

Display recent comments in your blog sidebar. With it, you can reply everyone from widget sidebar by Ajax type.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
July 13, 2011
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*Display recent comments in your blog sidebar. *with it, you can reply everyone from widget sidebar by Ajax type. *If you have questions, Please contact [] or leave a message in my blog( *支持翻页查看的ajax版最新评论 *可以对一条评论进行回复,这也只需在侧边栏就可完成,而且是ajax方式。(点击一条评论右边的右向双箭头,进入单条评论查看模式,然后点击右边的回复按钮即可进行回复) *回复支持嵌套,自动添加@回复,支持无限嵌套,无需担心被回复人的层深问题。 *支持列表输出回复按钮,回复更方便 *可设置只允许博主回复 *支持“ctrl+enter“快捷回复 *提供技术支持及咨询,联系邮件请发【】或者在我博客【】留言

plugin update 2.0.3

Add public external interface, you can call WIDGET.RCCMT() to refresh the list of recent comments 新增公共外部接口,你可以调用WIDGET.RCCMT()来刷新最新评论列表。willin版的ajax评论回复修改版可以到此下载。此版本可以即时刷新最新评论列表。 这是一个完全重构后的测试版,如果你在使用中有任何不适,可以换回稳定的1.2.1版(下载地址:。 2.0版完全重构,速度更快,更节省带宽。使用数据缓存技术,翻看过的评论列表不必重新加载,往回翻页不必重复请求数据,反应更快! This is a beta version completely reconstructed, if you have any discomfort in use, you can exchange for a stable version 1.2.1 (Download: 2.0 PR, faster, more economical bandwidth. Use of data cache, look over the list without having to reload the comments, do not have to repeat the request back page of data, the reaction faster!

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