
wp_mail to XMPP

Send almost all notifications via XMPP instead of email
Zuletzt aktualisiert
December 9, 2015
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This plugin sends XMPP notifications to the users who are registered and set their own Jabber ID. Emails to them are able to be suppressed.

This plugin provides a function to be added ‚wp_mail‘ hook in wp_mail() located in wp-includes/pluggable.php.

This plugin requires XMPP Enabled plugin.

Filter Hook

The function xmpp_sender() in this plugin has two filter hooks.

Using ‚abort_xmpp_sender‘ hook allow abort all processing. For example, you want to send email independent of user or JID when the subject has a particular keyword. You may add a function which checks the subject and returns true if keyword is found.

Using ‚email_to_jid‘ hook allow set/unset JID correspond to email address. Default function of this hook, email2jid() returns JID when the user is registered to the site and his/her JID is set. If you want to send email but XMPP to a particular user, add a function which returns false.

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