
WP Job Manager - Applications

Allow candidates to apply to jobs using a form and employers to view and manage the applications from their job dashboard.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
June 28, 2024
This WP Jobs Manager add-on lets you show an application form on your job listings pages instead of the standard mail/website links. The application form can be customized to meet your exact needs, in the online form editor including allowing candidates to upload their resumé. Email notifications to alert the recruiter and to confirm receipt to the candidate can be customized in the online editor. Managing the applications inside the system means that everyone in your recruiting team can see the latest status for each candidate - whether the application is new, interviewed, sent an offer or archived. Private notes on each applicant means all of the recruitment information can be centralized in one place, where it's available to everyone you involve with recruiting.
  • Allow candidates to apply to jobs via a customizable form
  • Email notifications of new applications
  • List applications in the employer job dashboard and admin dashboard
  • Privately rate and comment on applications, and organize by status (e.g. new, interviewed etc)
Your hiring process will become better organized. With all of the applicants status managed in WP Job Manager along with the vacancies, it's easy for all of your recruitment team to see where each candidate is in the process. Get your hiring pipeline out of your email inbox and into your jobs board so you can manage hiring more effectively.
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