A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed a phone on your blog!
Zuletzt aktualisiert
November 24, 2010
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WordPhone provides a widget that you can add to your theme and allow visitors to simply click the button and call you directly or to call any voice application hosted on a service such as Tropo.com. Visitors do not need any extra program – the plugin uses Phono to launch the call directly in the visitor’s browser using a jQuery plugin with a Flash component plugin. The widget is completely skinnable so that you can make it fit with your theme and site with standard CSS.

See installation instructions (or get the very latest version) on the github wiki site

Note: Problems may arise if your theme incorrectly loads a jQuery version prior to 1.4.X statically (which is not recommended by WordPress). If this happens, please contact your theme developer and urge them to read about how to load scripts with wp_enqueue_script.

Found a bug or need help?

If you run into any issues with this plugin, please look at existing issues or raise a new issue.

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