PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce. Develop by Official PayPal Partner.
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December 6, 2021
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PayPal Express Checkout For Woo


This easy to use PayPal Express Checkout for WordPress-WooCommerce site. * Express Checkout / PayPal Credit

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce

Configuring the following WooCommerce settings area to enable the PayPal Express Checkout and enter your PayPal API details:

PayPal Express Checkout interfaces with the Paypal sandbox to allow for testing. enable PayPal sandbox after You need to set up a developer test account for the sandbox at PayPal. Simply put you PayPal sandbox merchant API Username, API Password and API Signature in the WooCommerce=> Settings=> Checkout=> PayPal Express Checkout admin panel.

Direct Payment checkout button on product, cart and checkout page in your site. Your customers can use their PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce Extensive payment options

  • PayPal Shopping Cart Accept PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce Features

  • PayPal testing through SandBox.
  • Display checkout button on cart, checkout and product page.
  • Error email notifications to store admin .
  • Error display type.
  • Enable PayPal credit.
  • Enable PayPal IPN= Introduction =

This easy to use Express Checkout methods for WordPress-WooCommerce site. * Express Checkout / PayPal Credit

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce

Configuring the following WooCommerce settings area to enable the PayPal Express Checkout and enter your PayPal API details:

PayPal Express Checkout interfaces with the Paypal sandbox to allow for testing. enable PayPal sandbox after You need to set up a developer test account for the sandbox at PayPal. Simply put you PayPal sandbox merchant API Username, API Password and API Signature in the WooCommerce=> Settings=> Checkout=> PayPal Express Checkout admin panel.

Direct Payment checkout button on product, cart and checkout page in your site. Your customers can use their PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce Extensive payment options

  • PayPal Shopping Cart Accept PayPal Express Checkout.

PayPal Express Checkout for WooCommerce Features

  • PayPal testing through SandBox.
  • Display checkout button on cart, checkout and product page.
  • Error email notifications to store admin .
  • Error display type.
  • Enable PayPal credit.
  • Enable PayPal IPN
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