This plugin will add the functionality to blacklist the customer from checking out.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
November 30, 2022
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Woo Manage Fraud Orders

An extension for the WooCommerce that allows for the blacklisting customer details (Billing Phone, Billing Email and IP address). Admin can blacklist the customer information manually through the setting or can edit the order page and black the customer’s details into blacklist.

Another key features of this plugin is that it tracks the number of fraud order attempts for payment gateways like Credit Card, Electronic Check and blacklist the customer if the number of fraud attempts exceeds the limit set in the backend setting. When customer knows the correct patterns for payment fields of electronic check or credit card, they may try to create to multiple failed order. This plugin will track those attempts, cancel the order automatically and black the customer automatically from checking out in future.

Blacklist the customer, More details here

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