
Product Subtitle For WooCommerce

Mit dem Plugin Product Subtitle For WooCommerce kannst du ganz einfach einen Untertitel zu deinen Produkten hinzufügen.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
May 20, 2022
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Product Subtitle For WooCommerce

Product Subtitle For WooCommerce allows you to easily add a subtitle to your products. also provides various options to customize the output.

You can also use the shortcode [wc-ps] to display it within the post content or where ever you need.

It adds a simple input field right under the title field for products. It also add a subtitle column to the edit screen.

WPML Ready

Product Subtitle For WooCommerce has been tested by WPML and will allow you to translate the subtitle multilingual sites.

Shortcode Options

  • Post ID : [wc-ps id="99"]
  • Element : [wc-ps tag="p"] | [wc-ps tag="h1"] | [wc-ps tag="span"]
  • Verfügbare Tags : P, SMALL, SPAN, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6

Einstellungen unter : WooCommerce => Product Subtitle For WooCommerce

How do I style the subtitle?

You can style the subtitle with the below css class Global : product-subtitle Product Specific : subtitle-99

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.