Plugin for video auto-posting from Vidfuse application.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
October 2, 2018

Plugin for video auto-posting from Vidfuse application. Before installation you need to have a Vidfuse account which you can create at Use the Settings->Vidfuse Plugin screen to connect to Vidfuse. Click on the „Connect“ button, you will be redirected to Vidfuse application log in page. Fill in username and password of your Vidfuse account and submit. You will be redirected back to plugin settings page and if connection has installed successfully you will see a message „Connected“. Once connected to your Vidfuse account you can receive videos from it which will auto-post on your blog. If you want to connect another account you need to disconnect from Vidfuse first by clicking on the „Disconnect“ button. In order to connect again with a different Vidfuse account click on the „Connect“ button and repeat connection process.

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.