
Ultimate Email Validator – Validate and Stop Fake, Temporary and Disposable Emails

Enhance Website Security: Stop Fake, Temporary, and Disposable Emails Across Registration, Contact Form 7, Mailchimp, Woocommerce, and More!
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September 1, 2023
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Ultimate Email Validator – Validate and Stop Fake, Temporary and Disposable Emails

Enhance Your Website’s Integrity with Ultimate Email Validator Plugin!

Are you tired of dealing with fake registrations and spammy submissions on your website? Say goodbye to disposable and temporary email addresses causing havoc in your databases. Introducing the Ultimate Email Validator, a powerful WordPress plugin designed to ensure the authenticity of user registrations, contact form submissions, and more.

Powered by the reliable Quick Email Verification API, the Ultimate Email Validator is your ultimate solution to maintaining a clean and genuine user base. Our plugin seamlessly integrates with popular WordPress extensions including Contact Form 7, Mailchimp, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms, and Ninja Forms, making it a comprehensive tool for various forms across your site.

Experience a new level of email verification with our cutting-edge WordPress plugin. Designed to enhance user registration processes, our plugin is your ultimate solution to verify email addresses in registration forms. Say goodbye to the nuisance of fake and disposable emails cluttering your user database. Our plugin is engineered to seamlessly integrate into your registration process, ensuring that only genuine email addresses make the cut. We’re here to transform your website’s integrity with advanced technology that checks disposable emails during the registration process. Don’t compromise on data quality – empower your website today with the power to validate and authenticate email addresses effectively.

Key Features

  • Advanced Email Validation: Our plugin utilizes the [Quick Email Verification] API to meticulously validate email addresses in real-time. Say goodbye to disposable and temporary email addresses flooding your database.

  • Robust Compatibility: Whether you’re using Contact Form 7, Mailchimp, WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Gravity Forms, or Ninja Forms, our plugin works seamlessly with these extensions to ensure uniform protection against fake registrations.

  • Cost-Effective Solution: Worried about the cost? Don’t be! Our plugin leverages the [Quick Email Verification] API’s generous free plan, offering up to 100 requests daily, translating to approximately 3000 requests monthly. This is the perfect solution for small to medium websites looking for comprehensive protection without breaking the bank.

  • User-Friendly Interface: We believe in simplicity. Our user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly enable or disable email validation for each form, ensuring you’re in full control of your website’s integrity.

  • Enhanced Security: By preventing disposable and temporary emails from accessing your forms, you’re effectively safeguarding your website from spam, fraudulent activities, and potential security breaches.

Start Protecting Your Website Today:

With the Ultimate Email Validator, you can provide a seamless user experience while keeping your website’s integrity intact. Don’t let disposable emails tarnish your online presence. Empower your website with a powerful layer of protection and ensure every interaction on your site is genuine and meaningful.

Don’t compromise on quality. Get the Ultimate Email Validator plugin today and enjoy the benefits of clean and reliable user data. Take advantage of our cost-effective solution and make a difference in your website’s security.

Registration Form Validation

Ultimate Email Validator identifies email fields in WordPress, BuddyPress and WooCommerce registration forms. It also identifies email fields on the Update User Profile page, preventing users from later modifying their genuine email addresses.

Form Validation

You can also utilize Ultimate Email Validator to validate email fields in Comment Boxes within posts or pages. It supports popular contact forms like Contact Form 7, MailChimp, Ninja Forms and Gravity Forms

Ultimate Email Validator Compatibility

  • BuddyPress
  • WooCommerce
  • MailChimp
  • Contact Form 7
  • Ninja Forms
  • Gravity Forms

Display a Custom Message

Ultimate Email Validator includes a user-friendly and stylish options panel, allowing you to manage the validation process according to your preferences. You can enable or disable validations for each registration or contact form and customize the message for each form. This way, the message displayed during registration will differ from the one shown in contact forms, and so on.

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