Easily disable the default wpautop filter on a post by post basis.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
April 7, 2021
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Toggle wpautop

Note: This plugin does not support the block editor but should continue to work without issue when using it with custom post types and the Classic Editor Plugin.

Before WordPress displays a post’s content, the content gets passed through multiple filters to ensure that it safely appears how you enter it within the editor.

One of these filters is wpautop, which replaces double line breaks with <p> tags, and single line breaks with <br /> tags. However, this filter sometimes causes issues when you are inputting a lot of HTML markup in the post editor.

This plugin displays a checkbox in the publish meta box of the post edit screen that disables the wpautop filter for that post.

Also adds a ‚wpautop‘, or ’no-wpautop‘ class to the post_class filter to help with CSS styling.

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