
Styleguide – Custom Fonts and Colors

Styleguide ermöglicht dir, Farben und Schriftarten in WordPress-Themes im Customizer anzupassen–- ohne eine Zeile Code!
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January 30, 2024
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Styleguide – Custom Fonts and Colors

Einfaches und schnelles Bearbeiten von Farben und Schriftarten in WordPress-Themes, indem du den Customizer benutzt, womit du auch noch eine Live-Vorschau erhältst, bevor du die neuen Einstellungen speicherst.

Perfekt um deiner Website einen einzigartigen Look zu geben, ohne einen Designer engagieren zu brauchen oder Änderungen am Code selbst machen zu müssen.

Alle Standard-WordPress-Themes werden vollständig unterstützt und es werden zukünftig mehr Themes hinzukommen. Bei allen weiteren Themes können die Schriftarten angepasst werden.

Styleguide nutzt eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Selektion der Top 45 Google Schriftarten, um dir eine Menge an Möglichkeiten zu bieten deine Website individuell zu gestalten.


  • Choose from a varied selection of the top Google fonts in any theme
  • Additional themes (listed below) support editing colors
  • Filter fonts based on character set – great for non latin languages such as Russian
  • Developer functionality for adding support to other themes, and for adding additional fonts.

Unterstützte Zeichensätze

Styleguide supports fonts that have a variety of different character sets. This makes selecting a font for your language super easy. The supported character sets are:

  • Cyrillic
  • Devanagari
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Latin
  • Vietnamese

By default Styleguide uses Latin. To limit the font choice to those supporting your character set you should go to Settings → General → Character Set and select your set there.

Unterstützte Themes

Developers can add support for their themes quite easily – see the ‚Other Notes‘ tab for more info.

If you’re in the market for a WordPress theme then you could check out my Premium GPL WordPress themes site here:

How To

After downloading and installing the plugin you can go to the Customizer (Appearance > Customizer) and edit fonts and colors in the ‚Colors & Fonts‘ panel.

Adding Theme Support

Styleguide allows any theme to add support through the add_theme_support command. For examples check out the theme-styles directory.

I have added an example of a basic implementation below. This code would be placed in your themes functions.php

function prefix_add_styleguide_support() { // for properties check out the included theme styles as seen here: // $properties = array( ... ); add_theme_support( 'styleguide', $properties ); } add_filter( 'after_setup_theme', 'prefix_add_styleguide_support' );

Extra Fonts

Styleguide currently offers developers a filter for adding additional fonts. You can use it as shown below

function my_fonts( $font_list ) { $font_list['Cormorant Infant'] = array( 'name' => 'Cormorant Infant', 'family' => '"Cormorant Infant", serif', 'weight' => '400,700', 'sets' => array( 'latin' ), ); $font_list['Poppins'] = array( 'name' => 'Poppins', 'family' => 'Poppins, sans-serif', 'weight' => '400,700', 'sets' => array( 'latin' ), ); return $font_list; } add_filter( 'styleguide_get_fonts', 'my_fonts' );
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