SmartAss Highlighter is extremely simple and easy to use syntax highlighter for your code. Shortcode - [highlighter]
Zuletzt aktualisiert
May 9, 2015
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SmartAss Highlighter
  • SmartAss Highlighter is a simple and easy to use code prettifier for wordpress.
  • The code between <pre> and </pre> tags is highlighted.
  • Almost all languages are supported, no need to mention the code language.
  • Customizable for each post, use [highlighter] shortcode to enable for particular post.
  • To change theme, modify highlighter.css in the plugin directory.
  • Button is available for both editor modes, i.e., Visual and Text editor.
  • Line Numbers are ON by default but can be turned OFF by using modified shortcode [highlighter line=0]
  • IMPORTANT – This plugin would not be updated very frequently, updates (if required) may delay

Basic Usage

  1. Switch to Text Only Mode, Go to „Edit my profile“ and then check „Disable the visual editor when writing“
  2. Create new post
  3. Put your code in between <pre> and </pre>
  4. MUST use shortcode [highlighter] to activate the SmartAss-Highlighter
  5. Line numbers are on by default, but can be switched off by using [highlighter line=0]
  6. Note: Only the Posts having shortcode [highlighter] will be highlighted. Your previous posts won’t be affected.
  7. Do NOT use html codes for special characters ( &lt; or &gt; ), Directly use < or >

More Information

For more information of this plugin, please visit: Plugin Homepage.

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.