
Simple Nested Menu

The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin that displays menu items in a nested sliding style.
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October 28, 2019
Simple Nested Menu

The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin that displays menu items in a nested sliding style. It works with shortcode and you can use [simple_nested_menu] shortcode for displaying menus in your posts.The Simple Nested Menu is a fast and lightweight plugin with some special attributes for styling and fetching menus items. You can use the name or id attribute of a menu for fetching its items.

To use this plugin, after activation of the plugin, you have to place [simple_nested_menu] shortcode in your posts and set the name or id attribute of the menu.

Attributes of this plugin:

1) name: Title of a menu

2) id: Menu ID

3) classname: If you want to use this shortcode multiple times, it is better to set this attribute to something like class1 or class2 or any other thing.

4) bgcolor: Background color for menu

5) font: Font color for menu items

6) bghover: Background color on mouse hover

7) fonthover: Font color on mouse hover

8) border: CSS code for items border (e.g: solid 1px #FFF)

How to use this plugin:

After activation of the plugin:

Step1) Go to menu management section (in admin panel) and create your menu. Remember the name of menu.

Step2) Place [simple_nested_menu] shortcode in a post or any other proper place. Set the name or ID attribute. (e.g:[simple_nested_menu name=“test menu“] )

That’s it!

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.