Dieses Plugin zeigt die IDs von Beiträgen und Seiten in der Admin-Leiste und im Admin-Panel an.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
March 21, 2024
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Show Pages IDs

Show Pages IDs is a plugin that will show allow you to view the IDs of pages and posts in wordpress.

With Show Pages IDs plugin you will be able to views the pages and posts IDs in the top admin menu bar and in the back-end admin panel as well.

Show Pages IDs Plugin Features

  • Reveal pages and posts ID in the top admin bar
  • Reveal ID for posts in the admin area
  • Find ID for pages in the admin area
  • Find ID for media elements and images in the admin area
  • Show ID for comments in the admin area
  • Show ID for categories in the admin area
  • Display ID for tags in the admin area
  • ID für WooCommerce-Produkte, Produktkategorien und Produkt-Schlagwörter anzeigen

Über den Autor und die Lizenz

This plugin was brought to you for free by YYDevelopment under GPLv2 license.

The plugin is 100% free and we intend to keep it that way in the future as well. You are free to use this plugin and all our other free wordpress plugins for your projects, your client’s projects or for anything else you need.

If this plugin was helpful for you please share it online and if you get a chance to give it a positive review we will appreciate that.

If have any problems or questions regarding our show pages id plugin submit a ticket and we will be happy to help.

By the way, we are based in Israel so we welcome you to visit our Hebrew site as well YYDevelopment Israel if you are fellow Israeli.

Unterstütze uns mit einer Kaffeespende

Don’t you just hate it when you download a plugin and you find out that in order to use it you have to buy a pro version?

Even bigger problem is when you use a plugin and then just out of the blue the developer decides to add a pro version and he either changes the way the plugin works or he converts some of the free functions to paid ones.

We sure did hate that and a few years back we decided to start creating some of the plugins ourselves and we decided to share them all with the WordPress community 100% FREE.

Nowadays we have more than 15 plugins and you can download and use them all for free by Clicking Here.

Wenn dir dieses Plugin gefällt und du uns unterstützen möchtest, kauf uns einen Kaffee. Studien zeigen, dass Kaffee bei der Erstellung von WordPress-Plugins hilft.

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von WordPress.com sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.