
Recommended For You

This Plugin displays the popup for the recommended posts at the end of the post content on a single posts page
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March 9, 2021
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Recommended For You

Recommended For You displays a related post for a particular post when the user has reached halfway to the end of the post. This plugin can be extremely helpful for bloggers to engage their visitors by showing them another related post of their choice. Recommended For you make use of a smart algorithm to show a visitor a post related to the post they are reading, the recommended post is shown when the user has reached halfway to the end of the post, which is the best time to show the visitor another article when they are enjoying reading the most. Features:

  • Option to enable/disable recommended for you.
  • Option to show/hide Close button.
  • Option to hide popup in mobile devices.
  • Option to enable/disable and change the heading text.
  • Makes use of cookies, so as not to bother visitors who do not want to see the Recommended Articles
  • Clean layout
  • Not obstructive

Perfect tool to improve user engagement to your blog. 

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