
Post Volume Stats

Shows stats for the volume of posts per year, month, day-of-the-month, day-of-the-week, hour-of-the-day, words per post, days between posts, author, c …
Zuletzt aktualisiert
January 31, 2022
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Post Volume Stats

This plugin looks at the volume of posts in each category, tag, the volume of posts per year, month, day-of-the-month, day-of-the-week, hour, author, number of words-per-post and the number of days between posts. You can specify a year and/or an author to just look at the post volume stats for that year/author. The bar and pie charts can be added to a sidebar with Post Volume Stats widget. Lists and line graphs can be exported to a new post to show the change in category, tag and custom taxonomy posts over the years. You can also export the „Compare Years“ data into a CSV spreadsheet. The latest feature is the „Date Range“ page which applies a date range to the data on the main page.

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Go to the Post Volume Stats website for more information.


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