

Integration von PgnViewerJS in WordPress.
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February 7, 2022
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Integration of PgnViewerJS into WordPress. This is a small layer around the original PgnViewerJS, but is needed to use it in a WordPress installation. At the end, it should provide the following interfaces:

[pgnv]1. e4 e5 2. ...[/pgnv]

This is the PgnViewer (mostly needed): allows to play through a game (including variations), printing the comments, NAGs, …

[pgne]1. e4 ...[/pgne]

Allows to edit and view a game. At the end, you may use the PGN button to display the notation, that then may be copied again in the WordPress post entry.

[pgnb fen=<a FEN string>][/pgnb]

Just to display a board (only), no moves.

[pgnp]1. e4 e5D 2. Nf3 Nc6D ...[/pgnp]

Allows to print a game in a format similar to magazines and books. For that purpose, the notation of PGN was expanded by the „D“ at the end of a move, that stands for the diagram.

Für die Liste der verfügbaren Parameter, siehe das Kapitel Häufig gestellte Fragen.

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