This plugin is a replacement for the standard Page widget, that works how you want it to do.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
October 30, 2022
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This plugin works like the standard Page widget, however this one works how you want it to do.

The menu unfolds sub-items as required

This plugin displays initially the pages menu top-level pages only. While on a page, the child pages that belong to the page are also listed. While on a child-page, the subsequent grand-child pages are listed also. Etc. as deeply as reuired.

Extra features

Additionally a Home-link can be added that will display conditionally. You can select from: Always, On a page only, Never. When On a page only is selected, the Home link will display ony when you are on a page, so when you might need it.

The advantage of this plugin is that a huge amount of pages can be in a menu, without the user getting lost as long as you provide a proper tree-structure to them.

Also included

The standard configurability of Widget title, Excluded pages, Sort order.

About and Credits

  • Page Navigator Widget is written and maintained by J.N. Breetvelt, ( ) a.k.a. OpaJaap


WP Photo Album is released under the GNU GPL licence. ( )

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