
Optin Comment Notifications

Allows users to opt into receiving a notification email whenever a comment is made to the site.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
March 27, 2019
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Optin Comment Notifications

This plugin adds a checkbox to the profile page for users which allows them to opt into receiving a notification email whenever a comment is made to the site.

If a comment goes into moderation, only users who have the ability to manage comments on the site will receive the moderation notification email.

By default, all users of the site have the ability to subscribe to notifications about comments. A filter is provided to facilitate use of code to customize the feature’s availability to users.

Note: a „user“ is a person with an actual login account for the site. The plugin does not facilitate permitting visitors who do not have an account on the site to be able to subscribe to all comments.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | GitHub | Author Homepage

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