Enrich content with data from the OpenPublishing service
Zuletzt aktualisiert
May 29, 2020
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To visualize Open Publishing data on your page please use smart substitution tags in place you want to insert a data, like so [large_document_view:document.123] or [sidebar:newest.1:de]

This substitution tag will be replaced by the data this plugin retrieve from OP server.

Smart substitution notation contain: [ "tag_name":"object"."object_id":"language" ] language is an optional parameter, use it to get language specific results. Possible values: en, de, fr, es.

You can use: document, bestseller, newest, most_read objects.

Also you can access document count from brand statistics. To print document count use ‚openpublishing_document_count‘ option.

Special Features

Openpublishing substitution To make substitution work please create templates for each tag_name you would like to use. You can do this in two different ways.

  • Using Elementor plugin:

    1. Go to Elementor page
    2. Create new template, remember a template id (you can see it in the edit url)
    3. You can easily style your template by means of Elementor
  • Using WordPress posts:

    1. Go to Pages > Add New
    2. Create new post and treat it like a template, remember a template id (you can see it in the edit url)
    3. (Optional) you can assign special category (like op-templates) to each post to distinguish between others
    4. Use special keywords in your template:{title} {subtitle} {price} {grin_url} {source_url} {document_id} {cdn_host} {realm_id}

Add newly created templates/posts on this page with corresponding ids.


To use substitution please insert into your page this tag with desired ‚tag_name‘ and ‚object_id‘ like:

<h2>Our bestsellers:</h2> <div>[large_document_view:bestseller.1] [large_document_view:bestseller.2] [large_document_view:bestseller.3]</div>

This tags should be replaced right away.

Openpublishing document count There is a scheduled job which is retrieving the brand statistics from OP server and saves the value to Document count on a daily basis.


To debug plugin work please add next code into your page after all text:

<script type="text/javascript"> var debug = document.getElementsByClassName("OP_debug"); for(i=0; i<debug.length; i++) { debug[i].style.display = 'inline'; } </script>

This will allow you to see some more information about substitution.

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von WordPress.com sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
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