WooCommerce Smart coupons & bulk actions made easy. Set within a few seconds the conditions for your bulk actions (such as smart coupons) to be ap …
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September 16, 2020
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Create smart coupons (coupons based on cart conditions) for WooCommerce easily. Octolio is the perfect plugin to automate your website and do some amazing things.

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  • Quick response time

Bulk actions in WordPress and WooCommerce. Filter entities (Products, Pages, Posts, Users), define the action (Delete, Trash, change status, create WooCommerce smart coupon) you would like to do. Once everything is done, process your bulk actions!

WooCommerce smart coupons

  • Apply coupon automatically
  • Set your smart coupons condition based on a lot of filters (Order total / Order shipping method / Order billing address and many more…)
  • Select the coupon you would like to use based on the ones already created on your websites
  • Restrict smart coupons from being applied if conditions are not met (Subtotal amount is not enough high for example)

smart coupons examples:

  • Smart coupons example n°1 : Order total > 100€
  • Smart coupons example n°2 : Order shipping method is: „UPS“
  • Smart coupons example n°3 : Customer has already purchased this article: „Gameboy“
  • Smart coupons example n°4 : Customer country is: France
  • Smart coupons example n°5 : Product quantity is > 10

Manual Bulk Actions

Apply bulk actions to your WordPress or WooCommerce entities in three steps.

  • Select entities (Posts, Users, Pages, Custom Posts, WooCommerce products)
  • Filter them (Creation date / Category / Last login date / Price / Product price etc)
  • Execute actions (Delete / Change Author / Change category / Change stock etc)

Once you publish the post, bulk actions will be executed. That means it will select entities, filter them and apply the actions.

Automatic Bulk Actions

Do specific events based on WordPress hooks (such as applying a conditional coupons to an order)

  • Select the hook triggering your bulk actions (WooCommerce order creation, User modification, User subscription)
  • Set your filters (Order amount / Order shipping method )
  • Execute actions (Create WooCommerce conditional coupons / Delete user / Subscribe )

That’s all you need to know about WooCommerce smart coupons and bulk actions!

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
Mit deiner Installation stimmst du den Geschäftsbedingungen von WordPress.com sowie den Bedingungen für Drittanbieter-Plugins zu.
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