This plugin allows you to display the next date from a list of dates with the [nextdate] shortcode.
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September 29, 2023
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Want to always have the next date from a list displayed on a page of your site? Nextdate picks the next upcoming date from your list and displays it in the format you like!

Perhaps you have a recurring monthly meeting or event and you want to always display the next date to keep the page current.

Use the [nextdate] shortcode with a list of dates to get the next date from the list.

The dates parameter is required and should include a comma separated list of valid dates in any format that PHP will recognize, for example 5/15/2011, 2012-01-15, 21.9.2013, Tuesday, next Thursday

You can also specify a default value like [nextdate dates="5/15/1993, 7/19/2008" default="No upcoming party" /] to display a default value when none of the dates are in the future.

You can optionally specify a PHP friendly date format, for example [nextdate dates="next Thursday" format="l, F jS" /] to format the date. By default, dates are returned back in the F j, Y format, i.e. September 18, 2013.

For an example of usage, see how the Bay Area Mastermind lists their next upcoming event dates.

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