Booking Wordpress button. Open a booking form in a modal pane. Just insert a shortcode into your page or post for be replac by a booking button.
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June 10, 2012
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MP Booking is a WordPress plugin which provides a button that opens a simple form for hostel / hotel reservations. The plugin allows multiple room descriptions on one page. The button opens a form with jQuery / JQueryui functionalities such as a modal form calendar; specific fields to be filled out, drop-down menus for client country, guest number, arrival time and a comment field. The booking process ends with a captcha verification and sends an e-mail confirmation to the user and to the staff entitled to manage the reservation. The plugin is configurable by changing attributes in the shortcode such as: booking object / room type, maximum number of rooms available, button label, form identification and destination e-mail address for each instance of the form.

This plugin is inspired by „simple-booking-form“ plugin written by romeluv. It uses jQuery / jJueryui (for calendar) Cpatcha lib: „kcaptcha“


Any comments, suggestions and feedback are warmly welcomed at: You like it and want to suport You can help me to improve it if you are a developer. Or send me a mail if you want to do a gift or a paypal coffee

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