
Mini twitter feed

Embed your twitter feed or the twitter timeline from your favorite users on your Wordpress blog. Shortcodes and widgets are used.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
August 14, 2018
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Mini twitter feed

Important notice: Twitter shut down their v1 API and use now the v1.1, to update your mini twitter feed you need to go on create a new widget and get your Twitter widget ID. You can update the id on the shortcode or widget. ([minitwitter id=“TWITTER_WIDGET_ID“ username=“YOUR_USERNAME“] or in the field „id“ in the widget section). You get this Twitter Widget ID from the code provided by Twitter when you create this widget: data-widget-id=“TWITTER_WIDGET_ID“ or in the URL

The plugin „mini Twitter feed“ or twitter timeline puts Twitter on your WordPress blog, you can add your tweets or the tweets from the folks you like, lists, queries…

You can display up to 100 tweets within 7 days (limit set by Twitter’s Search API).

It displays tweets from your feed or from the Twitter Search, from a list or from your favorite users. It is very flexible and modular.

Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
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