
MH Dispaly Prayer Times widget

This is a Simple widget that creates following tables if they don't already exist and loads sample data into
Zuletzt aktualisiert
March 18, 2012
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This is a Simple widget that creates following tables if they don’t already exist and loads sample data into

1) Daily Prayer Table

$wpdb->prefix . mh_dpt_daily_times

Structure of Table:

month int(2) NOT NULL, //values are 01,02...12 day int(2) NOT NULL, //values are 1...31 name varchar(10) NOT NULL, //values are Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Ishaa hour varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', //values are 01,02..12 minutes varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00', //values are 01..59 ampm varchar(2) NOT NULL, //values are AM or PM disp_order decimal(1,0) NOT NULL, // 1..5 used for ordering values while displaying in html table. PRIMARY KEY (month,day,name)

1) Daily Prayer Table

$wpdb->prefix . mh_dpt_friday_times

Structure of Table:

name varchar(10) NOT NULL, hour varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', minutes varchar(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00', ampm varchar(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name)
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