To show a google map with the locations of your clients. You can output additionally a sorted listing table of all your clients. Just with shortcodes.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
October 19, 2018

This plugin is for showing your clients. You can output a google map with markers and a table as a list of all clients. You can tag clients and show a search and filter bar. This Plugin does not need jQuery on the FrontEnd!

The google map is centered shown to all markers added. Markers got little Infowindows with client’s name, website and address. Map style and marker image customisation is possible.

A few notes about technical things:

  • provides a new custom post type clients
  • map functionality works over the REST_API
  • the limit of fetched clients posts is unset. Beware of the risk fetching too much!!! (proper limitation feature is planned)


  • [mapple_map] will create the google map with marker
  • [mapple_clients] will create a table with all clients

There are a few possible attributes you can provide to your mapple_clients shortcode. Here a full example with all possible options:

[mapple_clients title-name="Name" title-address="Adresse" title-desc="Beschreibung" title-tags="Branche" title-search="Suche" title-search-placeholder="lostippen..." title-filter-label="Nach Branche filtern" with-tags="true" with-search="true"]

all title- attributes are for customising wordings.

[mapple_clients title-name="Name" title-address="Adresse" title-desc="Beschreibung" title-tags="Branche" title-search="Suche" title-search-placeholder="lostippen..." title-filter-label="Nach Branche filtern"]

all with- attributes activate the tags coloumn, and filter when search is also active.

[mapple_clients with-tags="true" with-search="true"]


  • Plugin banner image taken from rawpixel
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.