
Locations and Areas – Leaflet Map with Region Tabs

An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and m …
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July 5, 2023
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Locations and Areas – Leaflet Map with Region Tabs

An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and marker styles.

What does it do?

An awesome map with features like: multiple regions as tabs, no API keys needed, frontend location adding, marker clustering & beautiful map and marker styles.

If you want to focus on letting your visitors add markers by themselves check out my other more popular plugin Open User Map. It’s based on this plugin but has a lot more features.

Open User Map

Look at the Demo and use-cases here. You can even add your own locations right away. Give it a try!

Showcase widely distributed locations on a single map with additional navigation tabs for regions. The map is based on Leaflet JS and offers you several free map styles. So you do not need an API Key, Access Token or any other external registration. There are no API request limits.

Adding locations is as simple as dropping a location marker on a map. You can search for addresses worldwide to quickly find the right spots. Use the Gutenberg Block to integrate your map or place the shortcode anywhere on your site. Close by locations will group together in clusters. This is optional.

🎅✨ The PRO Version now has a free 7-day trial period. No credit card required!

Lass deine Seitenbesucher zwischen weit voneinander entfernten Orten mithilfe der zusätzlichen Bereichs-Navigation hin- und herfliegen

Make use of Areas (Regions) to provide different focus points to your visitor.

Your visitors can add locations directly inside the map (frontend) [PRO Feature]

Just by clicking a „+“-Button a form will popup to let them enter location details the same comfortable way you do it in the backend. After submit the location proposal will be „pending“ and wait for your review approval to get published.

List of free Features:

  • based on Leaflet
  • no API Keys
  • multiple map styles
  • multiple marker styles
  • locations with images
  • Shortcode with optional attributes
  • Gutenberg Block
  • marker clustering

PRO Features 🚀🚀🚀:

  • Frontend adding
  • Admin approval for pending locations
  • custom „Thank you“-message
  • More beautiful map styles
  • More marker icon styles
  • Direct support from the developer
  • Access all future PRO features
  • Request for features

A possible use case:

Du hast Büros in Europa, Asien und Nordamerika und möchtest weder eine komplette Weltkarte noch drei einzelne Karten anzeigen. Mit unserem Plugin kannst du verschiedene Regionen (Bereiche) innerhalb einer Karte zeigen. Deine Seitenbesucher können zwischen den Regionen „hin- und herfliegen“ – mit einem einfachen Klick oberhalb der Karte.

Another use case:

Du hast mehrere Ladenlokale in verschiedenen Städten. Deine Seitenbesucher bekommen die Möglichkeit, zwischen den Städten (Bereiche) „hin- und herzufliegen“, um einen Überblick zu bekommen. Du kannst die Zoom-Stufe für jeden Bereich individuell einstellen.

…and another use case:

You want to build a map service where your visitors can add locations on their own. This could be a travel blog or a something like our map with 500+ kite and windsurfing spots worldwide.

**The possibilities are endless. We are very curious about what you are building with the help of our plugin. Please don’t hesitate to let us know or ask for feature requests in the support forum. As this plugin is under permanenent development we are keen to know what are the features that you need? Contact us!

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