
LH Add Media From Url

Upload files from an url to wordpress media library, either enter file urls in an onsite input box or click a bookmarklet.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
January 16, 2024
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LH Add Media From Url

This plugin allow you to grab image from remote url and save into your own word press media library. By doing so, you never worried if the remote image was removed by its owner. This also save you steps to download the image to local computer and upload again to your own WordPress. There is also a JavaScript bookmarklet that helps to automate the process if you are surfing the internet and find something you would like to add to the library


  • Automatically downloads and adds the file to the media library.
  • After the uploading is successful, you are redirected to the edit screen
  • Once the bookmarklet is installed you don’t even need to copy and paste a url (just navigate to the url and select the bookmark).

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