With this plugin text can be pasted as a picture in an article or page to protect mailaddresses or postaddresse against automated crawler.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
October 22, 2012
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With this plugin text can be pasted as a picture in an article or page. This is useful for text with personal data in order to protect against automated crawler. Each image can be individually configured. Also the plugin can create latex formular and QR codes. The plugin uses the Google Chart API and the text content is protected, so it can’t be found within the HTML code. The plugin has got also a widget for the theme, that can create an qr code with the permalink of the blog.


  • creating QR codes and LaTeX formular
  • plugin call can be used within your templates
  • generate images with a free size, color, content
  • free definition for the image tag


  • WordPress 3.2 or newer
  • PHP 5.3.0 or newer


Add to your content of a page or article

[imgtext type="latex | text | qrcode"]your content[/imgtxt]
Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
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