
Google Code Commit Tracking

Logs Google Code subversion post commit messages into WordPress.
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February 24, 2010

Whenever you make an SVN commit on a Google Code project, you can instruct Google to send a notice to someplace else. Utilizing the upcoming custom post type functionality in WordPress 3.0, this plugin creates a new content type called SVN and inserts the post commit messages from Google Code into WordPress.

This plugin serves as a functional example of how custom post types are supposed to work. At the time of this release, WordPress 3.0 is not out and thus not officially supported in word or implication. Do not ask me to support custom content types. 🙂

Also, because WordPress 3.0 is pre-release, the functionality might (but probably won’t) change. I’ll do my best to keep this up to date.

Note, you must have WordPress 3.0 (pre-release) and PHP 5.2+


Someone asked me what my favorite thing is? Battle unicorns. That is all… carry on.

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