
FriendFeed Activity Widget

The FriendFeed Activity Widget is a WordPress widget pulls your FriendFeed stream and shares it with visitors to your blog.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
June 26, 2008
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The FriendFeed Activity Widget is a simple WordPress widget that pulls your FriendFeed stream, pretties it up a bit and shares it with visitors to your blog. It’s essentially a lifestream plugin that requires just a few steps to set up.

Please read the installation instructions carefully and ensure that you extract the widget to the correct folder path.


Version 1.1.3

  • Adds formatting for several addition services.
  • Fixes a minor bug with Twitter autolinking of @names and urls.

Version 1.1.2

  • Fixes a bug with Twitter hash tag detection.

Version 1.1.1

  • Hotfix which should resolve the path issue introduced in the previous release.

Version 1.1

  • Added grouping support and formatting for many additional services.
  • Moved styling to an external stylesheet, widget.css.
  • Added date formatting options to widget settings.
  • Added proper html encoding for feed links (XHTML validates.)
  • Changed output from UL to DIV structure; may require CSS changes. Sorry!

Version 1.0.1

  • Updated to the latest FriendFeed API wrapper.
  • Fixed some XHTML formatting problems.
  • Fixed a potential incompatibility problem with other FriendFeed plugins.

Version 1.0a4

  • Fixed an issue with certain grouped events being dropped.
  • Added grouping support and formatting for Flickr events.

Version 1.0a3

  • Output changes to resolve potential compatibility problems with other FF plugins.
  • Embedded default styling into widget (suggested by
  • Rewrote caching system.

Version 1.0a2

  • Fixes compatibility problem with Glenn Slaven’s FriendFeed comments plugin.

Version 1.0a1

  • First plugin release; alpha-state.
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.