
Flash Show And Hide Box

Flash Show And Hide Box lets we very convenient embed flash, and control it show and hide.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
March 27, 2017
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Flash Show And Hide Box

Flash Show And Hide Box lets we very convenient embed flash, and control it show and hide. Some times we need embed flash at my page, but load flash will be slowly show this page and increase stream. Flash Show And Hide Box plugin will enbed flash at visitor click box. The first click box show flash, clicks again hides the flash.

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API, initialize an flash box

showFlashLib.initBox(swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj);

API, create an flash box

showFlashLib.createBox(swfUrlStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj);


  • swfUrlStr (String, required) specifies the URL of your SWF
  • replaceElemIdStr (String, required) specifies the id of the HTML element (containing your alternative content) you would like to have replaced by your Flash content
  • widthStr (String, required) specifies the width of your SWF
  • heightStr (String, required) specifies the height of your SWF
  • swfVersionStr (String, required) specifies the Flash player version your SWF is published for (format is: „major.minor.release“ or „major“)
  • flashvarsObj (Object, optional) specifies your flashvars with name:value pairs
  • parObj (Object, optional) specifies your nested object element params with name:value pairs
  • attObj (Object, optional) specifies your object’s attributes with name:value pairs

Example 1: The recommended usage, the text will by display when javascript is not enabled.

this is my flash showFlashLib.initBox("myflash.swf", "myflash",600,170);

Example 2: The succinct usage.


Example 3: The ubb code usage.

The syntax: [flash={width},{height}]{swf file url}[/flash] The example: [flash=600,170]myflash.swf[/flash]
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