
Featured Image Column

Adds a column to any post type edit screen with the featured image if it exists.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
June 25, 2017
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Featured Image Column

As of version 0.2.2 you can select which post types you’d like to have the image column. It simply adds a column before the title (far left) the show’s the posts featured image if it’s supported and exists.

Want to change the default image? Simply filter you own image by using featured_image_column_default_image or filter your own CSS by using the featured_image_column_css filter hook.

Example actions/filters

Add support for a custom default image

function my_custom_featured_image_column_image( $image ) { if ( !has_post_thumbnail() ) { return trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) . 'images/featured-image.png'; } return $image; } add_filter( 'featured_image_column_default_image', 'my_custom_featured_image_column_image' );

Remove support for post types Use the featured_image_column_init action hook for your filter.

function frosty_featured_image_column_init_func() { add_filter( 'featured_image_column_post_types', 'frosty_featured_image_column_remove_post_types', 11 ); // Remove } add_action( 'featured_image_column_init', 'frosty_featured_image_column_init_func' ); function frosty_featured_image_column_remove_post_types( $post_types ) { foreach( $post_types as $key => $post_type ) { if ( 'post-type' === $post_type ) // Post type you'd like removed. Ex: 'post' or 'page' unset( $post_types[$key] ); } return $post_types; }

Add your own CSS to change the size of the image.

/** * @use '.featured-image.column-featured-image img {}' */ function my_custom_featured_image_css() { return trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) . 'css/featured-image.css'; //URL to your css } add_filter( 'featured_image_column_css', 'my_custom_featured_image_css' );

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