
Easy WP Cleaner

Easy WP Cleaner is user friendly plugin to clean unnecessary data from WordPress database and also allows you to optimize your WordPress database.
Zuletzt aktualisiert
May 23, 2024
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Easy WP Cleaner

Easy WP Cleaner is user friendly plugin to clean unnecessary data from WordPress database like „revision“, „draft“, „auto draft“, „moderated comments“, „spam comments“, „trash comments“, „orphan postmeta“, „orphan commentmeta“, „orphan relationships“, „dashboard transient feed“ and this plugin also allows you to optimize your WordPress database without any tool like phpMyAdmin.

  • It adds a settings page to „Dashboard“->“Easy WP Cleaner“ where you can simply clean your WordPress database
  • It allows you to remove the unnecessary data within few seconds
  • Handy tool to keep your database clean with meaningful entries
  • It saves lots of space of your database

Usage :

  1. Download and extract this plugin to wp-content/plugins/
  2. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress im Menü „Plugins“​
  3. „Dashboard“->“Easy WP Cleaner“ Usage :

  4. Download and extract this plugin to wp-content/plugins/

  5. Aktiviere das Plugin in WordPress im Menü „Plugins“​
  6. „Dashboard“->“Easy WP Cleaner“
Kostenlosmit dem Creator-Tarif
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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.