
Easy Digital Downloads Fat Zebra Gateway

The Fat Zebra Gateway plugin for Easy Digital Downloads enabled the merchant to make use of the Fat Zebra Internet Payment Gateway via EDD to sell the …
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June 28, 2013

This plugin provides integration with Easy Digital Downloads and the Fat Zebra Payment Gateway, an Australian online payment gateway.

Tested with Easy Digital Downloads version 1.6.4.

Visit for more details on using Fat Zebra.


  1. Visit the Downloads settings page, and click on the Payment Gateways tab.
  2. Enable Fat Zebra and enter your Username and Token.
  3. If you wish to use the Fat Zebra sandbox for testing ensure that Test Mode is enabled in the general settings.

You should now be able to test the purchases via Fat Zebra.


If you have any issue with the Fat Zebra Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads please contact us at and we will be more then happy to help out.

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