
WP Delicious – Recipe Plugin for Food Bloggers (formerly Delicious Recipes)

WP Delicious is a recipe plugin to create and display recipes for food bloggers. It is SEO optimized and Schema-friendly to rank recipes higher on sea …
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June 26, 2024
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WP Delicious – Recipe Plugin for Food Bloggers (formerly Delicious Recipes)

WP Delicious is a free WordPress recipe plugin that is flexible and very easy to use. It is a feature-rich plugin that creates and displays recipes from your WordPress Dashboard.

👉 WP Delicious Pro is now available.

👉 Demo ansehen

👉 Features | Recipe Themes | Documentation | Video Tutorials

In addition, WP Delicious is SEO optimized and schema-friendly. Therefore, this makes it a lot easier for search engines to rank your recipes higher and social networks to display information about your recipes accordingly.

Das Plugin enthält viele wichtige Funktionen wie Bilder- und Videogalerien für Rezepte, eine unbegrenzte Rezepterstellung, Nährwerttabellen, detaillierte Textanleitungen, Rezeptoptionen zum Ausdrucken, eine erweiterte und leistungsstarke Suche und vieles mehr.

Das Plugin enthält auch ein Benutzer-Dashboard, mit dem sich deine Leser auf deiner Website registrieren und deine Rezepte durchsuchen können. Deine Leser können deine Rezepte sogar zu ihrer Favoritenliste hinzufügen.

Außerdem können deine Leser deine Rezepte bewerten, was sich eventuell positiv auf das Ranking deiner Rezepte auswirkt.

WP Delicious includes a Recipe Index page that lists all your recipes, making it easier for your readers to browse your published recipes. In addition, it also includes page templates for recipes courses, cooking

WP Delicious uses the powerful WordPress REST API from WordPress core to create and manage recipes. The user interface is built using advanced WordPress development patterns using React JS and full compatibility with the new Gutenberg Editor.

Themes Compatible with WP Delicious Plugin

Key Features of WP Delicious

  • Onboarding Process – Upon the activation of the plugin, a detailed walkthrough is given during the onboarding process to customize the essential settings of the plugin quickly.

  • Unlimited Recipes – You can create unlimited professional-looking recipes for your extensive recipes website needs.

  • SEO-Friendly – It is Google Structured Data optimized and supports schema, which helps your recipes rank better and higher on search engines.

  • Wunderschöne Rezeptkarte – Es hat eine saubere und schöne Rezeptkarte, um deine Rezepte elegant zu präsentieren.

  • Erweiterte Suche – Das Plugin enthält eine erweiterte Suchoption, mit der deine Leser die Rezepte filtern und leicht finden können.

  • Pinterest Rich-Pins-Support – Mit dem Schema-Markup werden deine Rezepte auf Pinterest als Rich-Recipe Pins angezeigt.

  • Rezeptarchiv-Layouts – Es gibt ein tolles Listen- und Grid-Layout für die Anzeige deiner Rezepte.

  • Sternebewertung – Deine Leser können deine Rezepte bewerten und ihr wertvolles Feedback teilen.

  • 6 Customizable Widgets – It has highly customizable and easy-to-use recipe widgets like Featured Recipes, Recipe Tags, Recipe Category, Popular Recipes, Recent Recipes and Recipe Keys.

  • Benutzer-Dashboard – Deine Leser können sich ganz einfach auf deiner Website registrieren, deine Rezepte durchstöbern und Rezepte zu ihrer Favoritenliste hinzufügen.

  • Customizable Email Templates – You can customize different email templates sent to your readers on registration and password reset.

  • Custom Recipe Units – You can also add your custom units to predefined units for ingredients.

  • Custom Icons – You can easily upload custom icons for your recipe keys, courses, cooking methods and recipe tags.

  • Customize Colors – It allows you to customize the appearance of your recipes by choosing the colors of your choice.

  • Permalink Settings – You can easily change the permalinks to customize the URL structure as per your preference.

  • Surprise Me Feature – You can add this feature to your menu or through shortcode on posts and pages, which will load random recipes for your readers on click. It helps to improve user engagement on your site further.

  • Social Sharing – You can easily configure social sharing for Instagram and Pinterest.

  • Author Profile – You can display your information on each of your recipes along with your social media profiles.

  • Customizable Print Page – The plugin offers the flexibility to customize the appearance of your recipe print page. You can enable or disable the displayed information on the print page.

  • Nutrition Chart – You can display your recipes‘ nutrition values and customize different settings related to them.

  • Image Gallery & Lightbox – You can add multiple images of your recipes to inspire your readers.

  • Video Gallery – If you have a step by step instruction video, you can also create a video gallery to make it easier for your readers to follow along.

  • Clean Interface – It has a clean and minimal user interface, making it easier for everyone to navigate and publish recipes.

9 Gutenberg Recipe Blocks

The WordPress recipe plugin includes 9 Gutenberg Recipe Blocks that offer you the flexibility to create and share your recipes. The blocks included are:

  • Dynamic Recipe Card – Using this block, you can add your recipes information within posts and pages by filling in the required information.

  • Recipe Details – This block allows you to add the information related to the recipes, such as difficulty level, recipe time, servings, calories, best seasons and so on.

  • Recipe Ingredients – With this block, you can add all ingredients required for preparing the recipes.

  • Recipe Instructions – Using this block, you can provide step-by-step instructions to prepare the recipes.

  • Recipe Nutrition – With this block, you can add the nutrition information of the recipes you are sharing.

  • Rezept-Buttons – Dieser Block enthält die Buttons „Zu den Rezepten springen“, „Zum Video springen“ und „Rezept drucken“, um deinen Lesern die Navigation zu erleichtern.

  • Ausgewählte Rezepte – Mit diesem Block kannst du die veröffentlichten Rezepte auswählen und sie in deinen Beiträgen oder Seiten anzeigen. Du kannst mit diesem Block sogar eine benutzerdefinierte Liste mit Rezepten erstellen und sie mit deinen Lesern teilen.

  • Rezepte nach Taxonomie – Du kannst die Taxonomie auswählen und die mit diesem Block veröffentlichten Rezepte anzeigen. Du kannst diesen Block auch verwenden, um deine Rezeptindexseite zu erstellen.

  • Rezeptkarte – Mit diesem Block kannst du deine veröffentlichten Rezepte in Beiträge oder Seiten einbetten.

WP Delicious Pro Features

  • Front End Recipe Submission – It enables recipe submission on your site to make it easier for your readers to submit recipes.

  • Analytics Dashboard – This feature helps you analyze the stats of every published, pending and submitted recipe in terms of total likes and ratings.

  • Promote Equipment You Use – The Pro version allows you to list different equipment you use to create your recipe on the recipe card. In addition, you can add affiliate links and promote the affiliate products to increase your website’s revenue.

  • Floating Recipe Bar – It adds a sticky bar on your recipe post, including some essential features like Focused Reading mode, timer, social sharing, etc.

  • Advanced Rating System – With the Pro version, your readers can easily rate your recipes or ask questions. It also allows your readers to upload images while leaving the rating.

👉 Upgrade to WP Delicious Pro


We have created step-by-step tutorials about using WP Delicious. You will find the answer to most of your questions in the tutorials below.

If you cannot find the answer to your questions, we encourage you to contact our support team via support ticket.

We also have an active Facebook Community of WP Delicious, where we discuss building and marketing recipe websites. We encourage you to join the community.

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.