Plugin made by datacake to allow redirects between city based on a cookie. Also linking our Saas product with the wordpress plugin for more informatio …
Zuletzt aktualisiert
February 29, 2024
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This is a WordPress plugin, for Datacake clients and other customers who would like the functionalities Based on the City you can create page redirects to show the correct page – shortcodes: ‚😊🎉✔Temos cobertura em sua cidade‘, ‚error‘ => ‚Infelizmente sua cidade não tem cobertura ainda.Qualquer dúvida entre em contato.‘, ‚assine_url‘ => ‚/assine‘ dk_city_list ‚g-cols via_flex valign_top type_default‘, ‚list_item_class‘ => ‚vc_col-sm-{{col}} wpb_column vc_column_container‘, ‚col‘ => 3, ‚include_neighborhood‘ => false, dk_city_select ’name‘, ‚group_class‘ => ‚form-group‘, ‚group_id‘ => ‚choosecity-formgroup‘, ’name‘ => ‚in-cities‘, ’select-class‘ => ‚form-control‘, ‚btn_id‘ => ‚chooseCitySubmit‘, ‚btn_class‘ => ‚btn btn-outline-primary text-white‘, ‚btn_text‘ => ‚Continuar‘, ‚ignore_neighborhood‘ => false, ‚auto_select‘ => false dk_city_pin ‚pin-city‘, ‚class-marker‘ => ‚fa fa-map-marker‘, ‚class-dropdown‘ => ‚fa fa-chevron-down‘ – widgets: City SEO, this will replicate a text changing the city in the text for SEO purposes

Arbitrary section

If you want you can have a datacake subscriptions to increase the use of this plugin with more features.

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