Create customizable lists of pages by using a simple shortcode which can be called directly from buttons in both TinyMCE and HTML editors.
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October 14, 2014
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This plugin uses the get_pages() function to retrieve a list of pages and puts it in a indented-list-style output. The list of pages and the output layout can be customized using arguments; some of them are from the get_pages() arguments list, others are brand new and output related only.

Below there is a list of the arguments you can use so far:

[1] title –> choose if you want a title to be displayed. default is no title.

[2] titlesize –> select the size of the title.

[3] ID –> you have choose the parent of the list. default is the id of the page you are in.

[4] depth –> choose how many generation of children do you want the list to show.

[5] author –> select if you want to display the author username (with or without link to the author posts).

[6] orderby –> this affects the sort_order argument in get_pages() function. choices are: ‚post_title‘, ‚menu_order‘, ‚post_date‘, ‚post_modified‘,’ID‘, ‚post_author‘, ‚post_name‘. default is ‚post_title‘ .

[7] order –> ASC, DESC.

[8] list –> choose between ‚unordered‘ or ‚ordered‘ list.

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