Import your College Publisher archives into Wordpress
Zuletzt aktualisiert
July 26, 2009

CP Import allows you to move your newspaper from College Publisher to WordPress in a snap.

CP Import will import your articles, sections, authors, and media into WordPress without you breaking a sweat.

Simply install and activate this plugin, navigate to Tools -> CP Import and follow the on screen directions, and you’ll be up an running in about two hours.

This plugin currently only supports export files from CP 4. It is untested with CP 5.

Additional Information

  • When importing media from an article, CP Import will add a [gallery] tag to the end of the post’s content
  • When searching for users, CP Import looks to see if a username following the firstname.lastname model exists. If not, it will create a new account for that name and generate a random password. For this account to be usable, you will need to manually set a password.


I’d like to thank Brian Schlansky for documentating the Miami Hurricane’s move from CP to WordPress. I’d have been lost without it.

Also, thanks to Daniel Bachhuber of CoPress for the publicity and feature requests.

Lastly, Thank WordPress, for developing such a customizable publishing platform.

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Dieses Plugin steht zum Download zur Verfügung, um in deiner selbst gehosteten WordPress-Installation verwendet zu werden.